Friday, December 31, 2010


After looking at both sides of the argument, I am still left wondering why this is even an argument. The pro-choice website is all about the terrible things that the pro-life activists are making women go through in order to have the right to choose while the pro-life website is all about the terrible things that doctors do to "unborn babies". While I do agree that third week trimester abortions are dangerous, inhuman, and should be outlawed, I believe that anything before that is simply a women's right to choose and that is it. I believe that the pro-life side of the argument is winning the debate because of the emotional toll they put on women. They make women feel guilty about having the right to make choices over their own body. The pro-choice website provides options to stop unwanted pregnancy in the first place, which is the root of the problem. If every female had access to affordable birth control then the number of unwanted pregnancies would go down, thus the number of abortions would be decreased. If abortion becomes outlawed it will not solve the problem it would rather create women seeking abortions in more dangerous ways. It is simply a women's right to choose.
I do not believe that the parents need to be notified of an abortion when their child is under the age of 18, unless the child is in serious danger. I believe that parent notification will scare children into taking rash decisions to dispose of their fetus, thus putting them in harms way. If their is parent notification then they still should not have the right to consent to it, because no one should have to tell a women that they must have a baby. I also do not believe that father should be notified or allowed consent. The father is not the one having the child, they are not the ones to go through nine months of physical and emotional pain. I believe that as soon as we allow men to make choices about women's body's and give them that control, all of the work that women have gone through to achieve equal rights are no longer there. Ultimately it should be left up to the woman seeking the abortion because it is simply her choice, it is clearly a difficult choice that takes an emotional toll but the choice only involved herself. If our government takes about women's right to choice they are instantly putting us below men and controlling us, therefore the woman getting the abortion should be the only one that has to consent.
Illinois abortion laws I believe are reasonable except for the mandated consent law from parents and spouses. As stated before, it is a woman's right to choose, it is not her parents or spouses but simply hers. Illinois also makes abortion expensive to some people, which is very contradicting. Many women choose to not have their unplanned pregnancy due to affordability but creating abortion to be so expensive leaves women out of safe and secure options. I also do not agree with the idea of not being allowed an abortion after just 12 weeks, 12 weeks is still very early in the pregnancy. Many women do not find out that they are pregnant until 6 or 7 weeks into so only have 6 weeks to think about options is not a lot of time. I agree with Illinois providing abortion where it is necessary, such as low income woman. There are still restrictions on woman seeking abortions that should not be there, but for not woman can still have an abortion. These restrictions are created by pro-life activists and are used to scare woman out of abortion, so I do not see these activists as being pro-life. They do not think about the lives of women and how it is damaging them, they are really only thinking about having control over others.

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