Monday, February 22, 2010

Response to Chronicles of the Chosen One

Before reading Carl’s blog, I had little knowledge about the history of Hispanics in America. It really helped me that he gave two sides to the idea of Hispanics taking American jobs. I also believe that the quotes and the image he used were very powerful. It gave me a better understanding a more realistic view on this issue. The explanation of the short story I felt was helpful in giving information about Hispanics place in American society. It was really cool and interesting how well the short story connected with Carl’s topic and background information. Lastly, it was fascinating to hear his opinion at the end. The connection between all the different elements gave me a deeper understanding of how this issue affects America and will continue to. I now see the issue and both sides of the argument. When Carl wrote about Cesar Chavez and how he worked towards good education of migrant works children, I connected it to my topic. When I wrote about what it means to be an American, I talked about people are true Americans when they can see that education is a problem, important, and they know that something needs to be done. Cesar Chavez did that. I believe this makes his actually very American which contradicts what a lot of white Americans believe. I believe that hate and prejudice towards minorities, which Carl talks about, is a main factor for the problem with education. I think Carl did a good job at showing how that affects America in current events today. The last thing I really was able to connect is how much the issue with Hispanics has affected. It has further pushed minorities to a lower social class and created more segregation between whites and minorities. Like Carl said, many white Americans are afraid of it and that is why hate crimes, and other crimes go on. It sounds like to me that Carl has a very good understanding about his topic and now I do too.

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